We at The Property Project make this promise to you, “We will never get tired of doing the little things for you, because we understand sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of your heart and make all the difference”.

We understand that a combination of little things done without expectation can have a positive and lasting effect and leave you better for having transacting with us.

So what are the little things?

Little things are things that maybe you didn’t realise you needed, but are important to you and not thought about by others. Little things are things that when done unexpectedly give you a warm feeling or satisfaction.

Often you may be oblivious to the little things but at The Property Project we pride ourselves on looking for and doing those little things without the fan fair. They could be hand watering the garden on a vacant property, untangling your creepy crawly hose or even spraying some WD40 on that sticky lock.

It’s the things we do without an expectation of gratitude but done knowing we have made you feel valued, loved and cared for. We strongly believe if you want to improve or nurture relationships, figure out what the important little things are to them, and do something that shows you really care.